"A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do." -Bob Dylan

Monday, April 25, 2011

North Fruita Desert

From North Fruita Desert

I have been lost half a dozen times trying to find my way to Hunters Canyon from RD 18.With all the people in town for the FFTf thought it was a good time to try again. Someday I will make it up Hunters Canyon and back the Edge. This trip I wanted to map and gps the route from RD 18 campground to RD 21. Once I have tracks down I can figure out the best route. There are quite a few options. Should be able to put together a route that is mostly singletrack.
Couldn't find a empty space in the campground. I decided to camp somewhere down by the OHV area. It was a good choice, right in the middle.
Thursday- crazy wind!
The moto singletrack was easy to find although it look like no one had ridden it in awhile.
The BLM has put up new trail markers at the road crossings.

Friday - the sun came out!
Got lost trying to find my way to RD 21. DRAT! I did eventually make it to RD 21 and found more moto singletrack. Now I think I have it Figured out. We'll see.

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