-There was another mysterious death long ago almost in the exact location. Couldn’t find any info but rumor- legend has it one of the brothers killed the other one-
Use to be Bald Eagle Mine now it’s called Two Brothers Mine.
-In the 1980”s my neighbor Doc was murdered on Alps Mountain in Russell Gulch
-It has always been a hideout for people seeking to escape the law or society.
The thing that persuades to believe in this phenomenon the is a dream I use to have when I lived in Russell Gulch and St. Mary’s.
I kept having this reoccurring dream. As I am walking along the snow covered mountainside, I slip and start sliding down a gully, I’m headed right towards a mine shaft, I can’t stop no matter how hard I try, I slide right into the mine shaft. I remember hearing if you are falling in a dream and you hit you die!, I keep falling , splash the shaft is full of water, I look up and see stars. I remember hearing if you look up from the bottom of a mine shaft you can see the stars during the day. That’s it I would have this dream several times a year.
I had forgot about the dream. Last year my daughter wanted to get into spelunking. I picked up a couple brochures about local mine tours . This was on one of those.
Need fix printer and scan document fixed

-On an outing with friends, an individual fell to his death in a snow covered mine shaft at the Glory Hole Mine - I lived only a few hundred yards from the Glory Hole!
And after I found the document I saw there was more weirdness in the general vicinity.
-A 17-year old Aurora youth was seriously injured when a motorcycle accident hurtled him 200 feet down the shaft of the Glory Hole Mine-
-A 45-year old Lakewood man was killed when he fell into the Glory Hole Mine in Gilpin County
-Does anyone know where Kurt Luco is? That was the question around here many years ago. He was found at the bottom of _____ mine in his truck- need to research more it was not that long ago.
I think I’m whacked!
Remember I don’t believe in spooks.
That place just does not feel right.
Hopefully it’s not a premonition.
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